For example, the war in the Ukraine and the resulting rise in the number of refugees coming to live in Ireland, is a tragic reminder of the need to ensure that we can make best use of our existing building stock and that we ensure that it can be easily adapted to respond to the unexpected. What could to be done, at design stage, that would enable our housing supply to expand or contract, as needed? What if our hotels, our studio apartments, our student accommodation, our nursing homes, out army barracks and many other buildings, were designed so they could, with minimum cost and very quickly, be used to provide good quality family housing if required, and to subsequently revert to their original, or to another, use, if need be. Achieving this degree of flexibility might seem pretty far-fetched. However, I believe that the potential architects have to address issues such as this is largely untapped – and who knows what one minor change, such as might emerge as a result of this competition, could lead on to.