Appendix 1

Housing Agency

Social, Affordable & Co-operative Housing in Europe– features case studies from Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark into innovations in design and construction of social, affordable and co-operative housing in Europe.

Apartment Living in Ireland 2019 – outlines the views of apartment dwellers in Ireland.

Independent and Supported Housing Models for an Ageing Population – details best practice case studies of housing for older people across Ireland and provides lessons learned from these schemes.

Thinking Ahead: The Financial Benefits of Investing in Supported Housing for Older People– outlines the requirements of our older communities. By providing good housing options to the older community, there is a benefit to society as a whole, but the cost benefit analysis given in this report suggests there would also be a financial benefit to the government as well.

Incentives for the Re-Use of Vacant Buildings – explores ideas on reuse of vacant properties and looks at existing incentives being utilised in other countries (Scotland, Denmark and France).

Tackling Vacant Homes – a submission to the Oireachtas on Housing and Homelessness Committee, provides an overview of vacant housing in Ireland and suggests possible actions.

Design for Mental Health – Housing Design Guidelines – offers guidance on designing housing for those living with persistent mental health conditions.

Roadmapping a Viable Community-Led Housing Sector for Ireland – a series of handbooks on Community-led housing.

The Housing Agency – Publications – will bring you to a full library of Housing Agency Research publications.